Quality Politics

SWISS-DS-Safident, SLU, has its main market in North America and some European countries, although it is expanding internationally in Spain and the Maghreb.

SWISS-DS-Safident, SLU is a manufacturer of Safident brand products that, for more than 40 years, have obtained a high prestige of high-quality products within the dental-prosthetic world. During all these years, we have preserved a part of the manufacturing processes that continue to be done by hand and working only with steel of the highest quality from Switzerland.

The activities that SWISS-DS-Safident, SLU considers to comply with the quality required according to the International Standard ISO 9001: 2015 are:

Manufacture of instruments and consumables for non-invasive use for dental laboratories.

The policy statement includes as guidelines:

1. Commitment to meeting the explicit and implicit demands, requirements and expectations of our clients, as well as legal and regulatory requirements.

2. Disseminate Quality objectives and criteria at all levels of our structure.

3. Based on strategic lines defined in the context analysis carried out, the company’s objectives have been defined and disseminated at all levels of our structure.

4. Ensure that working conditions are optimal by evaluating the risks that may occur in the processes, eliminating them as far as possible and reducing those evaluated.

5. Develop continuous training programs with a tendency to improve the qualifications of our workers, thus involving all staff in achieving all the objectives established in this document.

6. Commitment to continuous improvement of the management system implemented in the company.

7. Promote and achieve a motivating environment for all members of the company.

Management makes this policy accessible and makes it available to its clients, all its workers, suppliers and the general public.

The Policy is kept up to date through periodic reviews, coinciding with management reviews of the system, with the intention of taking into account changes in environmental conditions and information received. In this sense, management provides and will provide all the human, technical and economic means necessary to achieve the objectives and goals that are established scheduled and periodically.

The direction.

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